Four Cheap Office Productivity Tool Alternatives

  There are many different cheap alternative office productivity tools. Aside from buying great personalised diaries from Toad, you have to have online tools to make you more productive. These alternatives usually offer free spreadsheet creators, and free word document creators. These tools can be accessed through a program on your desktop…

Immeasurable value of Amazon

  I'm really interested in Amazon Prime. So, I Googled the other day how much is amazon prime canada? I was super amazed and shocked by the price. $80 a year. What do you think? Do you think that's too much or too little. In consideration, at different times, I've…

Gifts and giving love

I fully endorse Juju supply, what they do, and how they do it. This is something I've been on both sides of in the past, and can be a very upsetting experience sent more than just a surface level. It can be very frustrating and upsetting, for all parties involved.…